To be specific, the actual phenomenon of Forex trading is not the fact that there are more and more people turning to it as an investment opportunity, nor is it the fact that it has been growing steadily for the past few years. It isn't even the fact that more and more investors cropping up from all sectors of society.
The phenomenon of the Forex market is the day trade, which was once the exclusive landscape of many large financial firms, banks and investors/speculators, has now stretched to hundreds of thousands of casual traders which do most of their work from the comfort of their own home. This is because of the advent of online trading as well as margin trading, meaning more and more people have access to the investment tools necessary for trading.
Forex Trading Pip
Day trading's definition is the buying and selling of financial instruments or commodities in a single day, so that the investor liquidates all his investments and assets before the positions are closed on the day itself. These people are called day traders and they range from large banks, financial institutions to - only recently - a large portion of casual 'at home' internet traders. The basic machinations of the day trade are that an investor will always look for a position that has momentum or tension to move - in price.
This makes for a lot of research and a good eye for financial positions. Day traders make their money through cumulative results, they don't settle for the long view but are content to make a little a day and hopefully at the end of the month, the sums will total to something viable. Day trading is more popular to casual investors because of the fact the risks are lower. Day trading always incurs smaller amounts than long term positions (traditionally) and Forex is one of the best instruments to day trade with because of the fact that the Forex market is liquid.
The ability to pull out whenever you want as well as to make your investment decisions into actions is one of the most important things about day trading. Day trading is reactionary and impulsive, and it requires a market that shares the same properties. Within the Forex market, movements called percentage in points (pips) happen all the time in all areas of trading (spot, forward, future, swap, options, ETF trading) - and they happen within the course of different regional markets in different days.
Forex is the best instrument to day trade with because of its reflexive nature and the amount of resources that has been pumped into it - the interface, training programmes, software, that allows for split decisions to be made and communication to the broker at an almost instant integer. If you have decided to trade in the Forex market, I would advise that you start with the day trade. It is a safer option for the casual investor - then as you gain confidence, you might want to diversify your portfolio. Be the smart investor, and never allow yourself to be driven by an impatience to make a big killing.
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